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live hapily

 Live happily

 The fast pace of life, stress, occupation, frantic race, disillusionment, disappointments, the modern human being is the main victim of all this disorder. Is there a place for happiness in all this imbalance? Should we think, like Gide, that we must "taste all the earthly foods" for at least an instant of happiness?

If one accepts this attitude, it would be not to know how to use the will which is the expression of a wise reflection. The action of the man, in general goes in the direction of the satisfaction of its needs and thanks to the superiority of its brain, it reaches the freedom which safeguards it from the slavery of the uses and the habits. Man is then able to find at each moment what is good for him far from being driven by unconscious automatisms.

But the human being, sometimes, instead of discovering new fulfilling needs, he gets trapped in the labyrinth of false needs decided most often by other actors of consumption which present them in a tempting way.

It would be necessary for us to draw from a knowledge or even a science of the human needs and their satisfaction far from the prejudices or irrational preferences, but according to the true necessities of our organism.

The knowledge of ourselves favors us the distinction of a correctly human action that suits us and that presents itself as the only suitable one.

Thus we have the control of this action previously personalized in collaboration with the others according to the criteria of security, sympathy, integration and integrity.

For the acquisition of happiness

It is a question of putting under the direction of the self all the regulating functions of the centers of the base of the brain to make pass our conduct under the administration of the attentive consideration to delimit precisely what is suitable to us in all circumstances instead of remaining chained to the tentacles of the instinct and the unsuitable habits.


Are there objective criteria to decide what is right or wrong in all circumstances without of course falling into a superficial classification of good or bad actions. Is the need good and healthy? In what healthy way can we satisfy it? The action is not at all easy because it requires a real and sometimes painful personal search. However, what is good is what is healthy, what gives us greatness.

What does it mean to grow?

It is to increase in value in a line of mastery and voluntary control of clear and transparent reflection. In front of any reasonable, individual act, we must ask ourselves if it is in line with our human vocation which is to progress, to perfect ourselves and not to fall into the abyss of the human condition.

To grow in collaboration and not in emulation allows us to live better in peace and serenity, sparing ourselves all the risks of diminishment and death.

Success in life

Success can be defined in several ways, but the most relevant is the one that provokes the progress and the development of human qualities of socialized people. These riches, honors and responsibilities represent criteria that should not be ignored as an important part of success, but they only accompany our human progress.


When we commit ourselves with all our being to the service of our true needs, we rise from the exercise of an intellectual activity of reflection to the pleasure of action.

The passionate search for a good which is the true will makes the human being rise to the humanized dimension of pleasure.

Objective basis for progress: What to do

1- Estimate your true worth

One must be aware of one's weaknesses and limitations without denying one's true strengths and skills, provided one does not succumb to the temptation of excessive pride. Seeking a position of balance between these two situations would be an ideal achievement. Let's express our modesty while considering our dignity and self-respect.

In terms of efficiency, we will grow without illusions about our personality. Is it a question of dedicating ourselves to laziness without giving our best? Far from it, understanding one's modesty is the key to any self-control.

2- Conscious action

Reflection before any action; that is to say the human control of the expressed will which converges towards a socialized will.

3- The relationship with others

Let's think about exchanging with others

Isolation would be an escape for anyone who would like to avoid confrontation with others, but this would be an alienation because the human being always needs sympathy. The joy of existence comes first through a smiling welcome that encourages exchange: the very essence of social existence and human enrichment.

Generosity and self-sacrifice are the most precious means of sympathy: giving without expecting to be rewarded and wanting to possess in order to be prodigal and generous.

Thinking about the future and preparing a reassuring life should never be excessive; of course the human being is driven by the permanent need to possess, which is moreover a natural need, but this must be done with the sole aim of guaranteeing for the future and its surprises.

It will be necessary to balance between personal fulfillment and that of society in general.

The ardent action

Acting with enthusiasm is similar to acting with anger, but it is not the same thing because enthusiasm allows us to have a healthy, just and committed anger, imbued with courage and non-violence. So we must know how to practice our passions with enthusiasm and a strong will to succeed.


It is not a question of eating instinctively, but of using a more or less personal science that avoids falling into deprivation and disinterest. Let us add to that, the indispensable hygiene, notably that of the atmosphere.

To please oneself

Sexual sensuality, when controlled, becomes a source of pleasure and a tool for personal development. The regulation of the will in sexuality makes the person benefit from its great richness. The free course of sexuality decreases its value and confines it to a simple corporal satisfaction slave of the habits and automatisms.


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